Air Conditioning Inc. Latest R1234YF Gas

Our air conditioning service (free collection) includes full evacuation of the system after recovery of the gas, and the re-charge process includes the addition of PAG oil and tracer dye, meaning the system is properly lubricated and any future leak will leave a mark which makes diagnosis a lot easiler. 

Whether your car has basic air conditioning or full climate control, routine servicing including recovery of gas, evacuation, basic leak testing, re-gas and oil replacement with the addition of leak detection die now costs just £69.00 inclusive (R1234YF £129.00 - generally vehicles later than 2016). Please note this bears no relation to the 'splash and dash' type re-gasses sometimes advertised, or available using DIY kits. We have even heard of people/companies using propane and other gasses in a/c systems. This is literally explosive and we would never do it.

Cabin sanitisation, which takes care of any mould or mildew in the vehicle's interior and any associated smells, is priced at an additional £15.00.

Air conditioning is good all round, as anyone who's ever used it to demist a car in the winter will confirm. It is advised that the system is used at least a couple of times a week in order to prevent the seals drying out, possibly leading to a gas leak. We replenish the PAG oil in the system and it's this that keeps the seals hydrated.